Take look at the following two pictures.
In the first picture, you see how soap molecules surround dirty spot, lift it away from the surface and carry away with rinsing water. A soap molecule is endowed with two ends-one, head is negatively charged, the other is neutral. The neutral end sticks to the oil, which is having neutral molecules, the negative head is attached to the positive part of water molecules and pulled out from the surface. It is then washed off with water.
When you mix soap with water, the soap and water spread out and make bubbles. Each bubble is a little balloon with air inside and a thin skin of soap and water outside. When you make a lather, you are simply pumping air into the soapy water, blow ing bubbles.
Just as a magnet is able to pick up iron filings, soap bubbles also pick up dirt. They pull it away from our skin. Soapy lather has many bubbles in it. Each one can pick up a little dirt.
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